
Epic tabletop roleplaying space adventure and intrigue


The corebook, QADIDA, SUBTLE FLUID, and many ventures

Starter Collection - $9.95

  • Stillfleet Core Rulebook
  • Stillfleet - Subtle Fluid

Bonus Collection

  • Stillfleet - Qadida
  • Stillfleet Peregrinations
  • Stillfleet - Sleeper in the Sky

(Looking for our other offers? The WildseaWyrd and WildMörk Borg CoreShield Maidens)

Stillfleet Core RulebookVoidminer! This all-new Stillfleet Bundle presents Stillfleet, the far-future science fiction tabletop roleplaying game from the Stillfleet Studio about exploring ruined spacecraft ("hulks") and habitable Earthlike planets cut off from contact with Terra for decades or centuries. Players are voidminers, explorers working for the Worshipful Company of Stillfleeters, known simply as "the Co." Their base is the mysterious alien space station nicknamed Spindle – a kilometers-long sea slug made of undulating black stone. The Spindle is shot through with timespace gates that lead to habitable worlds. Using the flexible Grit System, you can play any sapient species from a (post)human to a giant bug, a mobile xeno-cactus, or an AI that projects an invulnerable hologram. No matter what type of voidminer you create, you'll have to contend with a venal Co. that sends you out on dangerous ventures at short notice for confounding reasons. The cosmos of Stillfleet is hilarious and horrifying – the struggles, all too real.

Subtle Fluid supplement for the Stillfleet roleplaying gameFor just US$9.95 you get both titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $34) as DRM-free ebooks: the complete Stillfleet Core Rulebook and the nanotech-based character expansion Subtle Fluid.

Qadida sourcebook for the Stillfleet roleplaying gameAnd if you pay more than the threshold price of $20.69, you'll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with three more titles worth an additional $44, including the espionage-focused regional gazetteer Qadida, the eight-scenario anthology Peregrinations Volume 1, and the full-length introductory venture The Sleeper in the Sky.

Next, check out Stillfleet Studio's new BackerKit campaign, Enter the Nostalgitron, a Stillfleet quickstart inspired by Saturday morning cartoons.

Learn more about this offer at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Starter Collection

Pay the minimum price to get these titles:

Stillfleet Core Rulebook

Politically charged cosmic fantasy at its weirdest
  • Designer(s): Wythe Marschall
  • Stillfleet Studio, 352 pages
  • Retail price $25

Stillfleet - Subtle Fluid

Nanotechnology for STILLFLEET and other SFRPGs
  • Designer(s): Wythe Marschall
  • Stillfleet Studio, 37 pages
  • Retail price $9

Bonus Collection

Beat the threshold price to LEVEL UP and ALSO get this entire collection of BONUS titles:

Stillfleet - Qadida

An espionage-themed Stillfleet gazetteer
  • Designer(s): Ian Derk, Wythe Marschall
  • Stillfleet Studio, 172 pages
  • Retail price $19

Stillfleet Peregrinations

Eight genre-hopping mini-ventures
  • Designer(s): Wythe Marschall, Aaron H., Stephen Aubrey, Leonardo Andrade, Ian Derk
  • Stillfleet Studio, 196 pages
  • Retail price $19

Stillfleet - Sleeper in the Sky

The original full-length hulk venture for STILLFLEET
  • Designer(s): Wythe Marschall
  • Stillfleet Studio, 25 pages
  • Retail price $6

US$78 of SFRPG salvage....

...But you pay just $9.95 for our Starter Collection with the complete Stillfleet Core Rulebook and the blooder character expansion Subtle Fluid. And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($20.69), you'll level up and also receive all three titles in our Bonus Collection, including Qadida, Peregrinations, and The Sleeper in the Sky.

Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of DRM, so you can move and copy them freely among all your devices.

Records of the Co.

Here's what others have paid for our bundle

Number of bundles sold
Total contributed
Threshold (level-up) price

To keep the starting threshold price from rising too quickly, we calculated it based on 400 fake sales at $19.95 each.

TOP VOIDMINERS: Our most generous customers

  • H.Co. Cell Leader: Vaughn Romero - $32
  • Shining Sky Climber: Hune AEthermawn (Stillrijder) - $32
  • Canteen Legend: Mass Thread Flexer (Witness) - $28

Other top employees:

  • Yawjaal (Tremulant)
  • Zizz Emyrrt 6 (Razi)
  • Ripley
  • Elbows Vulsone (Pir)
  • Jadwa (Factor)
  • Longdust (Sleeper)

Hit the Spindle!


How much will you give?

The tabletop roleplaying ebooks in this Stillfleet Bundle offer retail for US$78. Choose a price you like, in US dollars (minimum $9.95). Make sure you choose an amount greater than $20.69 to LEVEL UP and gain the bonus titles.


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Then visit your Wizard's Cabinet page, link up with your DriveThru library, sign up with the Co., and start your voidmining career.

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