Over the æons many human and alien civilizations have risen and fallen in the void, littering Terra and countless other worlds and world-ships with glittering layers of technological ruins. Some are useful, some dangerous, but all are valuable to the greedy, human-run Worshipful Company of Stillfleeters ("the Co."). For 300 years (Terrasol Standard Time) the Co. has amassed technological power, and today its anonymous directors effectively govern provinces of a few billion sapients (primarily different groups of humans and giant cricket-like bugs named wetans). The inhabitants of the worlds beyond Spindle remain locked in unequal trade agreements, gaining little from the Co.'s voidmining.
Will the player characters – the voidminers – choose to execute their corporate duties in faithful servitude? Malinger and build new bases of power among their fellow voidminers on Spindle? Ally themselves with resistance movements in the provinces? Or might they even join the anarchistic Honourable Company or the nonhuman-centric Federation of Unhuman Kingdoms?
Set in a paradoxically bleak yet vibrant superfuture, the Stillfleet SFRPG empowers players with simple, intuitive mechanics and hundreds of options for powers. The 352-page rulebook offers 10 classes of Co. voidminer, 22 sapient species, dozens of inscrutable items of archaetech, and more than 20 encounters with dangerous deepvoid aliens, automata, and extradimensional entities.
Stillfleet's Grit System is rules-light and easily hackable, yet presents hundreds of options for powers. Play as a tech-hacking banshee, a peacemaking witness, a reality-warping tremulant, a giant bug, a strong AI trapped in a flash drive, a talking cactus, a void elf from the Dyson-sphere-enclosed Wytch Planet – the choices are yours.
Learn more at the August 2022 Kickstarter campaign page and the Stillfleet Studio website. The Stillfleet Studio Patreon.
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