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Our Advanced Adventures offer is over

Our Advanced Adventures Bundle offer ended on March 1, 2017 at 10:00PM EST (GMT -05:00).

The aptly named fellowship of Advanced Adventurers brought us a large collection of Old School modules in the long-running Advanced Adventures series from Expeditious Retreat Press. Advanced Adventures are nominally designed for OSRIC, the free AD&D 1E retro-clone.

By the way, check out "There and Back Again: The Construction of Nostalgia in Advanced Adventures" (Darren Allan Crouse, Department of Popular Culture, Brock University, Ontario) (2011): "There and Back Again: The Construction of Nostalgia in Advanced Adventures is a scholarly look at one aspect of tabletop roleplaying culture. It was written by Darren Allan Crouse, and supervised by Dr. Greg Gillespie, in the Department of Popular Culture at Brock University in Ontario. In the study, Crouse discusses the construction of nostalgia in the art of Expeditious Retreat Press' Advanced Adventures line. He challenges traditional academic understandings of nostalgia as simple escapism. Crouse argues that, while the Advanced Adventures pay homage to the history of RPGs, the series is an expression of an emerging old-school gaming subculture who use nostalgia in new and creative ways -- while charting new directions for their hobby."

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