Contact the Bundle of Holding

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Our email addresses: or bundleofholding (at) Gmail.

When you purchase a Bundle of Holding, we email you a link to your custom Wizard's Cabinet download page. We sometimes send a follow-up reminder if your discount links are due to expire. Otherwise, unless you checked the "Tell me" box when you purchased the bundle, we never contact you. We never use the email address you provide to your payment gateway.

Want us to notify you about future Bundles of Holding? Email us at and we'll add your address to our free (and spam-free) mailing list. We'll email you each time we launch one of our time-limited offers of tabletop roleplaying game .PDFs and RPG-related ebooks. We usually send out one or two announcements each week, typically on Monday and Wednesday.

You can stop your subscription to the mailing list at any time. Visit this site, log in to your account by clicking the three-line "hamburger" menu at the upper right corner of any page, and choose "My account."

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