Our Mongoose Traveller 2E Bundle offer ended on June 21, 2021 at 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
This was one of two all-new offers that presented the 2020 Second Edition Traveller game line from Mongoose Publishing. This offer had the Traveller 2E Starter Set and key supplements -- everything you need to play any science fiction RPG campaign, from desperate battles across the stars against evil empires, through free traders operating on both sides of the law, to mercenary companies desperate to find their next ticket.
- The Mongoose Traveller Starter Set, comprising the rules and The Fall of Tinath campaign
- The Traveller Companion, a rules expansion
- The Central Supply Catalogue 2E and Vehicle Handbook 2E
- The essential ship-design supplement High Guard 2E and its Deployment Shuttle addition
- Six Referee's Briefings: 1: Companies & Corporations -- 2: Anomalies and Wonders -- 3: Going Portside -- 4: Mercenary Forces -- 5: Incidents and Encounters -- 6: Garden Worlds
- The MgT2 Referee's Screen
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