Our Bundle of Nerves 3 offer ended on November 2, 2015 at 2:00PM EST (GMT -05:00).
The Nerve Wrackers returned with our third annual collection of horror RPGs, this time featuring the Savage Worlds rulebook and Horror Companion plus two SW campaign settings, as well as several other terrifying games:
- Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition rulebook and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment)
- Two Savage Worlds campaign settings: Rippers (1st edition) and the Rippers Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment) and Accursed (Melior Via)
- Shadows of Esteren Book 0 - Prologue and Book 1 - Universe
- Silent Legions (Sine Nomine Publishing)
- Dead Teenager RPG (Creepy Doll Studios)
- Noctum: Full Corpse Edition (Wicked World Games)
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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