Our Bundle of Tentacles 3 offer ended on November 9, 2015 at 2:00PM EST (GMT -05:00).
Yet again the intrepid Mad Scholars escaped the sanatorium to bring us this third annual collection of mind-wrenching games, supplements, and scenarios inspired by HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos:
- Two World War Cthulhu titles from Cubicle 7 Entertainment: The Darkest Hour and Europe Ablaze
- Tales of the Crescent City and Island of Ignorance (Golden Goblin Press), plus the Island of Ignorance Handout Pack (Cthulhu Reborn)
- Age of Cthulhu: The Long Reach of Evil and A Dream of Japan (Goodman Games)
- Cthulhu Live! LARP 3rd Edition and Mythos Society Guide to New England (Skirmisher Publishing)
- Soth: a game of cultists vs investigators (Steve Hickey Games)
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