Our Dork Tower Quick Deal offer ended on July 5, 2023 at 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
Dork Tower is the fan-favorite webcomic by John Kovalic (Munchkin) about five gamers and the worlds they create, the games they play, the tech they abuse and misuse, and the conventions they road-trip to – a comic for everybody, geeks or otherwise. Dork Tower started in 1997 in Shadis and (later) Dragon magazines, then moved to comics and the web. The big collections in this new offer from Dork Storm Press have together sold more than half a million copies. In chronological order, more or less:
- Dork Covenant
- Dork Shadows
- Heart of Dorkness
- Livin' La Vida Dorka
- Understanding Gamers
- 1d6 Degrees of Separation
- Dork Side of the Goon
- Go, Dork, Go!
- A full-color compilation of early Shadis and Dragon magazine strips, Dork Decade
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