Our Axes and Anvils Bundle offer ended on February 7, 2024 at 11:00PM EST (GMT -05:00).
Axes and Anvils: A Game of Dwarves is a dwarf-clan FRPG from Andrew Shields at Shields Up! Publishing. In the Kingdom of Stoneshadow, your Fellowship of experienced warriors undertakes missions to help your clan. Axes and Anvils character creation is fast and easy, the setting is strong in flavor and atmosphere, and the clan framework easily supports both one-evening adventures and years-long sandbox campaigns in the open-table "West Marches" style. If you like kickass warriors, player-driven action, and battles against undead warbands in the Shadowmines, Axes and Anvils is your Dynastic Prestige toolkit for crafting mithril-grade adventures.
- The Axes and Anvils core rulebook for players (plus the pay-what-you-want Quickstart Rules)
- The Game Master rulebook Under the Mountain, which includes a page-for-page reprint of the entire player rulebook
- The Starter Deck and Lore Deck
- The Clan Record Book and the Character Pack
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