Our Runehammer Crown and Skull Bundle offer ended on June 17, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
Crown and Skull, from Index Card RPG designer Brandish "Runehammer" Gilhelm at Runehammer Games, puts the players at center stage: Players can build their own custom equipment and spells, roll all the dice in combat, and discover new setting locations, inhabitants, and events – and the Game Master is right at the players' side, discovering all this with them, and using the game's inventive no-prep tools to improvise legendary adventures across the North Holds. Characters earn hero points in play and grow their own way, eventually making the fateful choice: Crown (service to the kingdom) or Skull (independent destiny)?
This all-new offer presented the complete Crown and Skull Digital Bundle (as sold on the Runehammer Games website) with the Crown and Skull core rulebook, the North Holds setting poster map in hexgrid and no-grid versions, 30 image tokens suitable for virtual tabletop (VTT) platforms, and 23 atmospheric MP3 music tracks to enhance your game sessions.
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