Our BattleTech Readouts Bundle offer ended on August 12, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
This new companion to our August 2022 BattleTech Total War Bundle added thousands of pages of play aids for the BattleTech Total Warfare board game.
- Technical Readouts illustrate the BattleMechs that dominated several major eras of the BattleTech timeline from the Succession Wars (3025-3030) through the Dark Age (3130-3150). Each entry presents a detailed illustration of one machine and describes its history, capabilities, and game stats, along with its most famous pilots. This offer's eight Readout volumes included Succession Wars, Clan Invasion, Jihad, Dark Age, 3085, 3085 Supplemental, 3145, and 3150
- BattleTech Record Sheets sets match up with the Technical Readouts. presenting the sheets for all the 'Mechs detailed in the corresponding Readout. This offer's nine sets of Record Sheets complemented the Readouts: Succession Wars Record Sheets, Clan Invasion, Jihad, Dark Age, 3085 Unabridged - Old is the New New, Project Phoenix, The Cutting Edge, 3145, and 3150
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