Our Serpentine Quick Deal offer ended on August 4, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
As a tie-in to the 2024 Pelicon online gaming convention, Pelgrane Press offered the Swords of the Serpentine FRPG rulebook. Swords is the GUMSHOE-powered sword-and-sorcery RPG set in Eversink, a fantasy city modeled on Renaissance Venice. You may dive deep into flooded ruins in search of lost treasure, play politics against sly nobles to discredit a powerful enemy, track down murderers with the City Watch, or plan breathtakingly ambitious thefts that take place in broad daylight. Your actions change the city, the politics, and the state of the world. Using the famous GUMSHOE rules for investigation and detection, you'll learn secrets that can bring down the mighty or raise the humble, and you'll uncover whispers of the past – even, yes, the corrupting sorceries of the long-dead Serpentine Empire.
This Quick Deal offered the Swords of the Serpentine core rulebook and the free Losing Face quickstart adventure.
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