Our GUMSHOE Bundle 2 offer ended on June 18, 2018 at 10:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
The Private Investigators shuffled back out of the shadows with more mystery and investigative scenarios for the GUMSHOE System by Robin D. Laws from Pelgrane Press. This all-new offer accompanied the second resurrection of our September 2013 Bundle of GUMSHOE, which included the Night's Black Agents, Ashen Stars, and Mutant City Blues rulebooks.
- Vampiric and occult conspiracies to uncover in Kenneth Hite's Night's Black Agents: Double Tap, The Dubai Reckoning, Looking Glass: Hong Kong, and Looking Glass: Mumbai
- Investigations for the far-future Laser law-enforcement officials in Ashen Stars by Robin D. Laws: Accretion Disk, The Justice Trade, and Xeno-Archeology!
- Cases for the cops investigating super-powered criminals in Robin's Mutant City Blues: Brief Cases and Mutant City Spies
- Several GUMSHOE-related installments of Ken Writes About Stuff: Alchemy, Goëtia, Moon Dust Men: MAJESTIC Overwatch and Moon Dust Men: Galileo Uplift, The School of Night, Voodoo 1 - Magic and Voodoo 2 - The Invisibles
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