Our KoDT More Trouble Bundle offer ended on March 23, 2020 at 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
This all-new companion to our May 2018 Knights of the Dinner Bundle added more collections featuring the long-running gaming comic series Knights of the Dinner Table by Jolly R. Blackburn from Kenzer and Company.
- Ten more KoDT Bundle of Trouble compilations, collecting KoDT issues #31-68 (Volume 11, V12, V13, V14, V15, V16, V17, V18, V19, V20)
- Two Tales From the Vault collections of scarce early strips: Volume 4 and Volume 5
- All five Black Hands comics featuring the Black Hand Gaming Society, the outcast players who hang out in the back room of Weird Pete's Game Pit: Black Hands #1 and #2, the 2010 Special #1 and 2010 Special #2, and the 2011 Special
- The monumental Bag Wars Saga, the epic tale of an army trapped in a bag of holding
- All ten issues of HackMasters of Everknight, a series about the fantasy characters played by the Knights in B. A. Felton's HackMaster campaign
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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