The Blood Mist descends

Our Forbidden Lands offer has ended

Our Forbidden Lands Bundle offer ended on February 8, 2021 at 11:00PM EST (GMT -05:00).

Forbidden Lands from Free League Publishing (Alien, Vaesen, Coriolis) is an open-world survival FRPG built on the "Year Zero" rules engine (Mutant: Year Zero, Tales From the Loop). You're not heroes sent on missions dictated by others -- instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. The game plays as an Old School hexcrawl. Scattered all across the map are adventure sites, exciting location-based scenarios characters can interact with in many different ways. You can visit all sites independently and in any order. By building the campaign incrementally using the modular adventure sites, the Gamemaster need never lead the characters by the nose, and can always make sure they don't miss the story. You'll discover lost tombs, fight terrible monsters, wander the wild lands and -- if you live long enough -- build your own stronghold.

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