Our GUMSHOE 3 Bundle offer ended on March 29, 2021 at 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
This was our third offer featuring RPGs of mystery and detection that use the GUMSHOE system designed by Robin D. Laws and published by Pelgrane Press. This new offer presented recent standalone games such as the entire TimeWatch product line and Kenneth Hite's The Fall of Delta Green.
- The Fall of Delta Green core rulebook, plus Fall designer Kenneth Hite's relevant treatise Las Vegas: 1968
- The complete TimeWatch core rulebook and the TimeWatch GM Screen and Resource Book
- The TimeWatch supplements The Valkyrie Gambit, Behind Enemy Times, and The Book of Changing Years
- The Gaean Reach, based on the science fiction novels of Jack Vance (previously in the November 2015 Indie Cornucopia 3), and The Gaean Reach Gazetteer
- Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan's Pathfinder/GUMSHOE mashup Lorefinder
- As a convenience to our customers, we included the free Fall of Delta Green quickstart rules released for Free RPG Day 2018, with Gareth's DG adventure "On a Bank, by Moonlight."
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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