Dyson's Delves

Tabletop fantasy roleplaying dungeon maps by DYSON LOGOS

Dyson's Delves

Hundreds of beautiful hand-drawn labyrinths from ZERObarrier

Starter Delves - $9.95

  • Dyson's Delves I
  • Dyson's Delves II
  • 3 Dodecahedron Cartographic Reviews
  • Commercial Compass Rose Pack

Deeper Delves

  • 3 Commercial Map Packs
  • 4 Cartography Collections - 2023
  • Strange Stones

(Looking for our other offers? Orbital BluesEsper GenesisOperation Unfathomable)

Dyson's Delves TwoAdventurer! This new Dyson's Delves Bundle presents hundreds of hand-drawn maps by master cartographer Dyson Logos suitable for tabletop fantasy roleplaying games. Famous in the Old School Revival community for his distinctive crosshatching style, Dyson has drawn maps for publishers including Wizards of the Coast (Candlekeep Mysteries, Glory of the Giants), Kobold Press, and dozens more. He's released more than a thousand maps and dozens of adventures free on his Dyson's Dodecahedron blog (funded by his successful Patreon campaign). The maps are unlabeled and (usually) in printer-friendly black-and-white. Many maps include gridded and no-grid versions. Most of them are provided in both .PDF and in high-res .PNG image files for use with VTTs (virtual tabletops) like Roll20 and Owlbear Rodeo.

You can download all these maps for free from the Dodecahedron blog, but this new offer gathers them in convenient collections Dyson has self-published through his ZERObarrier Productions imprint. And several of these titles grant royalty-free commercial licenses, so you can adapt them for your own published adventures.

For just US$9.95 you get all six titles in our Starter Delves (retail value $51.50) as DRM-free ebooks, including Dyson's Delves I and Dyson's Delves II; three installments of the annual Dodecahedron Cartographic Review2014, 2015, and 2016; and the Commercial Compass Rose Pack.

Dyson Logos Commercial Map Pack 2022And if you pay more than the threshold price of $21.79, you'll level up and also get our entire Deeper Delves with eight more titles worth an additional $55, including three annual installments of Dyson's Commercial Map Archive2021, 2022, and 2023; four monthly installments from late 2023 of the Map Archive's successors, the Cartography CollectionsAugust 2023, September 2023, October 2023, and November 2023; and Strange Stones.

The maps and images in the three Commercial Map Packs and the Commercial Compass Rose Pack are licensed for royalty-free use in your own published works. All the maps in the other titles are licensed for personal use only.

Four of these titles (total retail $33.50) – the first Dyson's Delves volume and all three Dodecahedron Cartographic Reviews – have appeared in one or another of three previous offers from 2014-2017, all in our Old School Revival series: OSR 2 (Nov 2014), OSR 4 (Nov 2016), and OSR 5 (Nov 2017).

Learn more about this offer at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Starter Delves

Pay the minimum price to get these titles:

Dyson's Delves I

Customize your dungeons with Dyson
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier Productions, 149 pages
  • Retail price $10

Dyson's Delves II

Seven adventures and 44 maps for OSR fantasy
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier, 152 pages
  • Retail price $10

3 Dodecahedron Cartographic Reviews

2014 - 2015 - 2016
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier, 290 pages
  • Retail price $23.50

Commercial Compass Rose Pack

Fifteen compass roses under a royalty-free commercial license
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier, 15 pages
  • Retail price $8

Deeper Delves

Beat the threshold price to LEVEL UP and ALSO get this entire collection of BONUS titles:

3 Commercial Map Packs

2021 - 2022 -2023
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier, 202 pages
  • Retail price $30

4 Cartography Collections - 2023

Aug - Sept - Oct - Nov 2023
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier, 56 pages
  • Retail price $20

Strange Stones

Stone circles, menhirs, orthostats, and liths for fantasy RPGs
  • Cartographer: Dyson Logos
  • ZERObarrier, 12 pages
  • Retail price $5

Hundreds of RPG maps worth US$106.50....

...But you pay just $9.95 for our Starter Delves of six complete titles, including both Dyson's Delves adventure collections, three Dodecahedron Cartographic Reviews, and the Commercial Compass Rose Pack. And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($21.79), you'll level up and also receive all eight titles in our Deeper Delves, including the big Commercial Map Packs for 2021, 2022, and 2023; four monthly Cartography Collections from 2023; and Strange Stones, a mini-supplement of weird menhirs and obelisks.

The maps and images in the three Commercial Map Packs and the Commercial Compass Rose Pack are licensed for royalty-free use in your own published works. All the maps in the other titles are licensed for personal use only.

Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of DRM, so you can move and copy them freely among all your devices.

Uncovered in these delves

Here's what others have paid for our bundle

Number of bundles sold
Total contributed
Threshold (level-up) price

To keep the starting threshold price from rising too quickly, we calculated it based on 400 fake sales at $19.95 each.

DEEPEST DELVERS: Our most generous customers

  • Sharpest Pick: Smoldering Dung Games - $45
  • Keenest Darkvision: A drow wizard - $33
  • Detects Sloping Passages: T.S. Minotaur - $33

Other deep diggers:

  • A kuo-toa cleric
  • A myconid allergist
  • A reformed duergar
  • David Lindsey Pittman
  • An intellect devourer
  • A kobold

Delve with Dyson!


How much will you give?

The tabletop roleplaying ebooks in this Dyson's Delves Bundle offer retail for US$106.50. Choose a price you like, in US dollars (minimum $9.95). Make sure you choose an amount greater than $21.79 to LEVEL UP and gain the bonus titles.


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