0one Horror Maps

From Oct 2021, digital maps for fantasy and horror tabletop roleplaying from 0ONE GAMES

0one Horror Maps

NINE HUNDRED pages of beautiful .PDF maps plus six complete adventures

Starter Collection - $9.95

  • Heavenring Village
  • 4 Eerie Forest maps
  • 7 Ruined Town maps
  • Terror of Tumbledown Manor

Bonus Collection

  • Domain of Blood
  • Harker Asylum
  • 5 Eerie Forest adventures
  • Vampires and mad science - 4 maps

(Looking for our other offers? ThingonomiconUnknown Armies 3EAquelarreBeam SaberKenneth Hite's CthulhuHackMasterKoDT Trouble 7)

O-one Games Domain of Blood map - Count Vladimir Drawing BookArchitect! We've resurrected our October 2021 0one Horror Maps Bundle featuring beautifully drafted .PDF maps and floorplans for tabletop roleplaying games. Enhance your fantasy or horror campaigns with medieval villages, gothic castles, modern sanitariums, forest temples, zombie-infested islands, and dungeons, dungeons, dungeons. These interactive .PDFs from 0one Games let you show or hide grids (both square and hexagonal), show or hide room numbers, show walls as outlines or filled, show or hide doors and furniture, orient the compass rose, change print options, and make many other customizations. And we've added several mid-level adventure scenarios for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition that use the maps in this offer.

For just US$9.95 you get all thirteen map sets in this revived offer's Starter Collection (retail value $50) as DRM-free .PDFs, including the complete Heavenring Village Virtual Boxed Set – which honestly isn't scary itself, but makes a good base for exploring the spookier places – as well as eleven maps of the Eerie Forest and Ruined Town, plus the Terror of Tumbledown Game Pack with maps of a large ruined manor and a Pathfinder 1E adventure set there.

O-one Games Harker Asylum mapAnd if you pay more than the threshold price of $20.27, you'll level up and also get this revival's entire Bonus Collection with eleven more titles worth an additional $62, including the complete Domain of Blood and Harker Asylum Virtual Boxed Sets, four smaller maps of vampiric and mad-science-type locales, and five adventures for D&D Fifth Edition set in the Eerie Forest: Black Magic, A Dead Reckoning, The Invisible Hand, One Night at the Red Vampire, and Threads of the Orb Weaver.

The maps' interactive features require the free Adobe Reader.

Check the new 0one Games Kickstarter for Dungeon Rooms With Flavor: Shadow Caves.

Learn more about our offers at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Starter Collection

Pay the minimum price to get these titles:

Heavenring Village

A base for your explorations of the Eerie Forest and Ruined Town
  • Creator(s): Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 275 pages
  • Retail price $20

4 Eerie Forest maps

Eerie Forest - Red Vampire Inn - Spiderhaunt Manor - Zombie Island
  • Creator(s): Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 80 pages
  • Retail price $8

7 Ruined Town maps

Ruined Town - Falconflight - Dungeon of 13 Undead - Haunting Spectre - Lone Orc Tower - Old Observatory - Temple Farms
  • Creator(s): Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 139 pages
  • Retail price $14

Terror of Tumbledown Manor

Includes a 28-page Pathfinder scenario
  • Creator(s): Willie Walsh, Bradley McDevitt, Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 58 pages
  • Retail price $8

Bonus Collection

Beat the threshold price to LEVEL UP and ALSO get this entire collection of BONUS titles:

Domain of Blood

An enormous gothic castle with many ravens in its loft
  • Creator(s): Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 144 pages
  • Retail price $14

Harker Asylum

Get ready to have your sanity treated – hard
  • Creator(s): Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 175 pages
  • Retail price $20

5 Eerie Forest adventures

Black Magic - A Dead Reckoning - The Invisible Hand - One Night at the Red Vampire - Threads of the Orb Weaver
  • Creator(s): Various designers
  • 0one Games, 78 pages
  • Retail price $20

Vampires and mad science - 4 maps

City of the Dead - Mad Scientist Lab - Sunken City - Vampire Castle
  • Creator(s): Mario Barbati
  • 0one Games, 91 pages
  • Retail price $8

Frightening RPG maps worth US$112....

...But you pay just $9.95 for this revived October 2021 offer's Starter Collection with nearly two dozen beautiful map sets, including the many buildings in the complete Heavenring Village Virtual Boxed Set (your non-terrifying base of explorations), four Eerie Forest and seven Ruined Town maps, and the Terror of Tumbledown Game Pack, with both a 30-page map set of a ruined manor and a 28-page Pathfinder adventure set there. And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($20.27), you'll level up and also receive all eleven titles in this revival's Bonus Collection, including the Domain of Blood Virtual Boxed Set (six maps), the Harker Asylum Virtual Boxed Set (eight maps), individual maps for the City of the Dead, Mad Scientist's Lab, Sunken City, and Vampire Castle, and five complete adventures for D&D Fifth Edition that use the maps in this offer.

The maps' interactive features require the free Adobe Reader.

Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of DRM, so you can move and copy them freely among all your devices.

Check the new 0one Games Kickstarter for Dungeon Rooms With Flavor: Shadow Caves.

Blueprint for success

Here's what others have paid for our bundle

Number of bundles sold
Total contributed
Threshold (level-up) price

To keep the starting threshold price from rising too quickly, we calculated it based on 400 fake sales at $19.95 each.

LEADING ARCHITECTS: Our most generous customers

  • Party leader: Frank Lloyd Wright - $28
  • Loyal lieutenant: Tryuller - $27
  • Hardy follower: Antoni Gaudi - $24

Master builders:

  • Eero Saarinen
  • I. M. Pei
  • Le Corbusier
  • Rem Koolhaas
  • Frank Gehry
  • Peter the almost Great

Explore these maps of terror!


How much will you give?

The tabletop roleplaying .PDFs in this 0one Horror Maps Bundle offer retail for US$112. Choose a price you like, in US dollars (minimum $9.95). Make sure you choose an amount greater than $20.27 to LEVEL UP and gain the bonus titles.


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Then visit your Wizard's Cabinet page, link up with your DriveThru library, and start blueprinting your next horror adventure.

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