Out of our Leagues

The Leagues of Adventure offer has ended

Our Leagues of Adventure Bundle offer ended on February 27, 2025 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).

Leagues of Adventure is the Ubiquity-based Victorian steampunk RPG from Triple Ace Games. In the Age of Exploration, a semi-fictitious 1890s right out of Sherlock Holmes and Jules Verne, globetrotting scientists with with airships, mole machines, and Weird Science gadgets venture across the world and to other planets to uncover forgotten cities and civilizations, map the wilderness, and defeat nefarious villains in bare-knuckled Victorian action. The flexible and cinematic Ubiquity rules (Hollow Earth Expedition, Space: 1889) use an easy dice-pool system that puts your player characters in the spotlight and keeps the story moving fast. Create your own League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen!

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