The Crusades are finished

Our Historica Arcanum Crusades Bundle has ended

Our Historica Arcanum Crusades Bundle offer ended on September 16, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT (GMT -04:00).

Historica Arcanum: Era of the Crusades is a historical-fantasy campaign setting from Metis Creative for Fifth Edition and compatible tabletop roleplaying systems. Historica Arcanum settings reveal the occult secrets of world history. Era of the Crusades explores the monumental 12th-Century conflict between Crusader Knights and the forces of Saladin. Gameplay options include new character classes and subclasses, Knightly Orders and Professions, and the Deck of the Damned, a system for combat and narrative stress. In magical counterparts to real landmarks, you'll meet historical figures and fight legendary monsters, solve mysteries, intrigue among factions, and shape the arcane history of the Historica Arcanum universe.

This all-new offer included the complete 273-page Era of the Crusades setting sourcebook, The Sigil of Jerusalem campaign, and an atmospheric soundtrack.

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