
Our CBR+PNK Quick Deal has ended

Our CBR+PNK Quick Deal offer ended on February 5, 2025 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).

CBR+PNK is a minimalist Forged in the Dark cyberpunk RPG from Cabinet of Curiosities. In low-prep, fast-playing one-shot sessions, your team of Runners, living on the edge in the shadows of a gritty, ultra-violent world, make their last run. Maybe you'll recover a payload from an abandoned AI-run hotel – or buy an encrypted Hosaka key in the corporate megalopolis Mona Rise – or search lunar habitat Biosphere-5 for the escaped APX PRDTR. The CBR+PNK core rules fit in three four-panel pamphlets; you can print each pamphlet on one legal-size sheet of paper, double-sided. Read the entire game on a lunch break, then create characters and start running one of this offer's one-sheet adventures in 15 minutes.

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