Justice is served

Our CHAMPIONS 4E offers have ended

Our Champions 4E Essentials Bundle offer ended on May 1, 2017 at 2:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).

The Systematic Heroes brought us two massive collections that presented the entire Fourth Edition run (1989-2001) of Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game. These two spectacular offers, the largest in Bundle of Holding history -- a total of 65 books -- gathered all the superhero rulebooks, supplements, sourcebooks, and adventures for "The Big Blue Book," one of the most acclaimed editions of the venerable HERO System. Many titles appeared in .PDF in these offers for the first time anywhere, thanks to the superheroic scanning powers of Jason Walters at Hero Games. Champions 4E Essentials The Champions 4E Essentials bundle presented the rulebooks and major supplements. In particular, the Essentials offer's Core Collection was a jaw-dropper. With just these books, Champions Gamemasters have run campaigns lasting decades:

The Champions 4E Essentials Bonus Collection added many important rulebooks and sourcebooks. (Where versions of these books exist for different editions of the HERO System, the ones in this offer were all for Fourth Edition.) Champions 4E Universe The companion Champions 4E Universe offer included the rest of the Fourth Edition line -- no less than thirty-seven supplements and adventures. Look at everything in the Starter Collection: The Champions 4E Universe Bonus Collection had a big nine-volume assortment of Dark Champions books and the single most highly regarded supplement in the 4E line -- We posted a question-and-answer list about these two offers: "Questions about the Champions Fourth Edition Bundles."

The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.

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