CY_BORG Darknet

Cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying based on MÖRK BORG

CY_BORG Darknet


CY_BORG Collection - $17.95

  • 6 CY_BORG supplements
  • Mörk Borg - Tribute

(Looking for our other offers? Mörk Borg CoreYou Are the HeroMutant Crawl ClassicsPotbellied Kobold 5E)

Beyond Cy supplement for the Cyborg roleplaying gameAdventurer! This all-new CY_BORG Darknet Bundle presents English-language cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying supplements by Christian Eichhorn for the Free League Publishing nano-infested doomsday RPG, CY_BORG. Adapted by the Stockholm Kartell from Mörk Borg, CY_BORG is a standalone rules-light, rage-heavy SFRPG. In the year 20X3 the city of CY is constantly in flux – shifting, distorting, always reborn as something worse. Poisonous death smog, warring corporations, warring gangs, warring cults – pandemics, tsunamis, bacteria from outer space hijacking intercellular nanorobotics. Designer demise, consumer-customized death, endlessly on repeat. Everyone is interfaced, injected, infected, or infested with something. Everyone wants more creds. And the sky is full of ads.

Page 3 of the Gutter Punks supplement for the Cyborg roleplaying gameThese CY_BORG supplements explore CY and its environs in Mörk Borg's trademark Old School style, laying out an array of plot elements the gamemaster hacks together like a cowboy coder. You're destroying super-mutant labs, kidnapping corporate execs to fulfill a crowdfunding campaign, dodging mechanical harvesters in the poisonous monoculture fields around CY, infiltrating the brain-frying CVLT of the Hadron Lamb, and shopping for dubious goods on 404//SAN, the demented front page of the Darknet. Go out in a blaze of glory, but try to pull down one of the ruling elite's glittering towers as you fall.

Note: These third-party supplements require the CY_BORG Core Rules, available now for a bargain price in our companion Mörk Borg Core Bundle featuring Mörk Borg, the rules-light Old-School blackened artpunk doomsday FRPG.

Gutter Punks supplement for the Cyborg roleplaying gameFor just US$17.95 you get all seven titles in our CY_BORG Collection (retail value $92) as DRM-free ebooks, including the CY_BORG supplements Beyond CY, The CVLT of the Hadron Lamb, Darknet Filth, Down Bad, gutter_PVNKS, and the pamphlet mini-adventure Krok Hunters, along with a "triple threat" zine, Mörk Borg - Tribute, with material for not only CY_BORG but also Mörk Borg and Death in Space.

Learn more about this offer at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

CY_BORG Collection

Pay just US$17.95 to get ALL these ebooks:

6 CY_BORG supplements

Beyond CY - CVLT of the Hadron Lamb - Darknet Filth - Down Bad - gutter_PVNKS - Krok Hunters
  • Designer: Christian Eichhorn
  • Christian Eichhorn, 242 pages
  • Retail price $77

Mörk Borg - Tribute

A triple-threat zine for Mörk Borg, CY_Borg, and Death in Space
  • Designer: Christian Eichhorn
  • Christian Eichhorn, 48 pages
  • Retail price $15

Fight relentless corporate hell!


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