Dusk City Outlaws is set in the sprawling city of New Dunhaven. Players form a crew of criminals, collectively known in outlaw circles as the Right Kind of People. Each member of the crew belongs to one of the eight cartels that rule the city's underworld. These cartels each have their own turf, specialties, motives, and methods, but all are bound by the Arrangement: The cartels respect each others' turf, and large-scale conflict is forbidden.
To maintain this peace, when the cartels need a Job done, they assign it to the crew. The crew must come up with a plan, do the legwork, pull off the plan, and then survive long enough to get paid. There is no "right" way to handle the Job. Each cartel gets a cut of the take from that Job, and the crew gains wealth, prestige, and influence.
Dusk City Outlaws is a sandbox game that needs minimal preparation. Once all players know the rules, you can start playing a scenario with new characters in minutes. Character creation is fast and easy, and the rules let you improvise challenges and antagonists on the fly. New Dunhaven is a massive urban environment on the scale of modern-day New York City, giving the players freedom for the scope and details of their plan. The Judge does not plan plot twists or a narrative arc, but reacts to the characters' actions.
Learn more at the January 2017 Kickstarter campaign page.
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