Chthonstone Enemies

Monsters for old-school RPGs from CHTHONSTONE GAMES

Chthonstone Enemies


Enemies Collection - $17.95

  • Chthonstone Essential Enemies 1-8
  • Dungeon Robbers From Outer Space

(Looking for our other offers? Fabula UltimaFIFTY DungeonsFTL NomadSolo rules!Designers, Dragons, and MoreFlabbergasted)

Essential Enemies 1 Things From BeyondAdventurer! This all-new Chthonstone Essential Enemies Bundle presents dozens of bizarre monsters and artifacts from Chthonstone Games for Old-School Essentials and other old-school tabletop fantasy roleplaying games, all designed by Johnstone Metzger (The Nightmares Underneath) and illustrated in full color by Nathan Jones for the Monthly Monsters Patreon campaign. Threaten, frighten, bedevil, flummox, and weird-out your player characters of any level with 87 twisted creations like Alchemical Greenery, the Crawling Head, the Dark Elf Witch Cult, the Eyeball Syndicate, Ghoul Monastics, the Howling Helm, Kobolds of Saturn, the Light Collector, Living Psychopomp, Malmensvird, Meat Goliaths, the Mung Mung, Rat Golems, Rhinocorns, Satyrical Dramatists, Spawn Summoners, Vat Zombies, and Void Sharks, among many, many others.

Essential Enemies volume 2 The Outer DarknessFor just US$17.95 you get all nine titles in our Enemies Collection (retail value $95) as DRM-free ebooks, including the first eight Essential Enemies monster manuals: Things From Beyond, The Outer Darkness, The Haunted Forest, Between Two Worlds, Creations of Chaos, In Darkening Woods, Far Beyond Death, and From Under Ground. We also include Chthonstone's standalone RPG Dungeon Robbers From Outer Space, about alien astronauts who travel to fantasy worlds to search for magical artifacts.

Learn more about this offer at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Enemies Collection

Pay just US$17.95 to get ALL these ebooks:

Chthonstone Essential Enemies 1-8

1 Things From Beyond - 2 Outer Darkness - 3 Haunted Forest - 4 Between Two Worlds - 5 Creations of Chaos - 6 In Darkening Woods - 7 Far Beyond Death - 8 From Under Ground
  • Designer: Johnstone Metzger, Nathan Jones
  • Chthonstone Games, 352 pages
  • Retail price $80

Dungeon Robbers From Outer Space

A complete game of alien astronauts searching fantasy worlds for magic items
  • Designer: Johnstone Metzger
  • Chthonstone Games, 48 pages
  • Retail price $15

Your Enemies await!


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