Our Everywhen Bundle offer ended on September 11, 2023 at 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
Everywhen is the rules-lite universal system from 13th Planet Games based on Simon Washbourne's cult-classic sword-and-sorcery FRPG Barbarians of Lemuria. Adapting the fast, fun BoL 2d6-based system and character Careers, Everywhen adds rules for vehicles, chases, investigations, social conflicts, psionics, and mass battles suitable for campaigns in any era or background. Play every kind of character from ancient Mesopotamians to Shaolin monks, 16th-Century vampire hunters to WWII commandos, and Miami vice cops to space truckers, all using the eminently hackable Everywhen, called "the AK-47 of indie games."
- The complete Everywhen corebook (plus the free Weapons and Armour, the introductory solo adventure The Fomorian, and the Character Sheets)
- The campaign sourcebooks Pulse-Pounding Pulp and Darkness: Supernatural Creatures
- Wyrd Sails (Vikings vs. the Cthulhu Mythos)
- The nine-scenario collection Anywhen Adventures
- Five settings and scenarios: Blood Sundown and its adventure Dragon by the Bay; Neonpunk Crysis and its scenario Escape From Old Tokyo; and the rocketpunk setting Red Venus
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