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Our Flabbergasted Quick Deal has ended

Our Flabbergasted Quick Deal offer ended on January 24, 2025 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).

Flabbergasted is a lighthearted Roaring '20s RPG from The Wanderer's Tome inspired by Jeeves and Wooster and Fawlty Towers. You play an affable Aristocrat, an entrepreneurial Well-To-Do, an idealistic Bohemian, or one of the ever ready and steadfast Staff. You and your friends join an up-and-coming Social Club, get invited into secret societies, and cultivate your dignified (or scandalous!) Social Standing. Fend off dastardly debtors, concoct cantankerous capers, navigate scandalous soirées, prevent misguided marriages, and get up to many marvellous misadventures – all before afternoon tea.

This Quick Deal presented the complete Flabbergasted rulebook, plus the free Quickstart Guide.

(New to PG Wodehouse? Get Carry On, Jeeves free from Project Gutenberg.)

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