Our Forged in the Dark 2 Bundle offer ended on December 24, 2024 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).
This was our second offer of standalone indie RPGs that use the Forged in the Dark rules introduced in John Harper's Blades in the Dark.
- Adrenaline (Adrenaline Games): A high-action modern-day or cyberpunk game of thrill-seeking characters who swindle, steal, and shoot their way to infamy and fortune – or die trying.
- Minutes to Midnight (Oliver Smock): In a modern Cold War, a crew of spies tries to disrupt the balance of power.
- A Nocturne (Calum Grace): The crew of an interstellar spitter craft (a vast, weird, scarred old spaceship) tries to make a profit by any means necessary.
- Rebel Crown (Narrative Dynamics): Courtly intrigue, obsessive ambition, and perilous conflict surround the Claimant, former heir to the throne.
- Sea of Dead Men (Joe Adkisson): A crew of pirates making their fortune in the lawless Carrascan Sea.
- To Teach Their Own (Mousewife Games): Grown-up witches teaching student witches valuable lessons about magic.
And we included the free Blades SRD.
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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