Complex collapse

Our Gaia Complex offer has ended

Our Gaia Complex Bundle offer ended on August 1, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT (GMT -04:00).

The Gaia Complex is the Hansor Publishing cyberpunk RPG of flesh and wires. In a megacity of intense violence, secret corporate warfare, and vampiric uprisings, an overzealous AI called Gaia governs the city and protects (controls) its citizens. You're a Merc, uncovering secrets and using them to chase your next payout from the syndicates. But Gaia's secrets are many and unexpected. Whether you're a combat-ready Operator, Core Hacker, black marketeer, street-savvy Data Dealer, or feral who mind-melds with animals, the concrete jungle of New Europe – of NeoMunich, Bruss, Morvan, The Hamm, Paris-Zone, The Dome, and the vampire-controlled Outer Fringe – can eat you alive (especially the vampires). For fans of Blade Runner, Altered Carbon, Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, Elysium, and Dredd, The Gaia Complex lets you create stories of conspiracy, discovery, hardship, and brutal violence.

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