Kenneth Hite's Cthulhu

Lovecraftian ebooks by the TRAIL OF CTHULHU designer

Kenneth Hite's Cthulhu


Hite Collection - $14.95

  • Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales, Expanded
  • Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations
  • Cthulhu 101
  • Dubious Shards
  • Tarot of Cthulhu: Major Arcana
  • Adventures Into Darkness

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Tour de Lovecraft The TalesInvestigator! Kenneth Hite's Cthulhu Bundle is a new collection of diverse Cthulhu Mythos ebooks from Atomic Overmind Press by star tabletop roleplaying game designer Kenneth Hite.

Writer and game designer Kenneth HiteDesigner of Trail of Cthulhu, Night's Black Agents, Suppressed Transmission, and more than 70 other RPGs and supplements, Kenneth HIte has analyzed works of HP Lovecraft in treatises such as the two Tour de Lovecraft volumes, and has reimagined the Mythos in gaming sourcebooks like Dubious Shards, The Tarot of Cthulhu, and Adventures into Darkness. This new offer brings you all this Hite-ean erudition for an unbeatable bargain price.

Cthulhu 101 by Kenneth HiteFor just US$14.95 you get all six titles in our Hite Collection (retail value $65) as DRM-free ebooks, including Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales, Expanded Edition and Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations; three Mythos treatises drawn from our October 2013 Bundle of Tentacles – Cthulhu 101, Tarot of Cthulhu: Major Arcana, and Dubious Shards; and an alternate-history sourcebook describing Lovecraft's comic-book work, Adventures Into Darkness.

Note: We presented the first edition of Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales in the Bundle of Holding 5 (Aug 2013). The new edition in this offer adds Lovecraft's collaborations and revisions, the sonnet cycle Fungi From Yuggoth, and highlights from HPL's nonfiction.

Learn more about our offers at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Hite Collection

Pay just US$14.95 to get ALL these ebooks:

Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales, Expanded

The 2020 Expanded Edition companion to Lovecraft's works
  • Author: Kenneth Hite
  • Atomic Overmind Press, 224 pages
  • Retail price $13

Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations

From Arkham to Antarctica, from New York City to Hyperspace
  • Author: Kenneth Hite
  • Atomic Overmind Press, 320 pages
  • Retail price $15

Cthulhu 101

A beginner's guide to the Dreamer in the Deep
  • Author: Kenneth Hite
  • Atomic Overmind Press, 128 pages
  • Retail price $9

Dubious Shards

Ruminations on applied Yog-Sothothery and other Cthulhoid topics
  • Author: Kenneth Hite
  • Atomic Overmind Press, 78 pages
  • Retail price $12

Tarot of Cthulhu: Major Arcana

Twenty-two of THEIR images
  • Author: Kenneth Hite
  • Ronin Arts, 49 pages
  • Retail price $10

Adventures Into Darkness

What if Lovecraft wrote comic books? Somewhere, somewhen, he did.
  • Author: Kenneth Hite
  • Atomic Overmind Press, 45 pages
  • Retail price $10

Let this Mythos lore engulf you!


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