Our Bundle of Lamentations 2 offer ended on October 12, 2017 at 10:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).
The Necropoli Centauri Voyagers returned with this new collection featuring Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Roleplaying. The original Bundle of Lamentations was our best seller of 2016, so we mustered our courage to present a range of new and classic scenarios -- some even raunchier than those in the first offer. It paid off, because this Bundle of Lamentations 2 became the best-selling offer in Bundle history. Caution: Age 18 and over. Some of these books are potentially very offensive to -- well, potentially just about anyone.
- Three ENnie Award-winning scenarios: Blood in the Chocolate, Broodmother Skyfortress, and Veins of the Earth
- Three hexcrawls in traditional style, but with darker shadings: Carcosa, Isle of the Unknown, and Dungeon of the Unknown
- Possibly the most brain-cauterizing of the lot: Towers Two and No Salvation for Witches
- The Stygian Garden of Abelia Prem and Lamentations of the Gingerbread Princess
- Three titles repeated from earlier offers: The Monolith From Beyond Space and Time [in the first Old School Revival offer, November 2013], Qelong [previously in OSR 2, Nov 2014], and Death Frost Doom 2E [previously in OSR 2]
- We also included the LotFP Rules & Magic Full Version rulebook [previously in our first Bundle of Lamentations, July 2016] and the introductory scenario Tower of the Stargazer
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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