Mutant Crawl Classics

From Sept 2021, technomagical post-apocalyptic tabletop roleplaying ebooks from GOODMAN GAMES

Mutant Crawl Classics

The MCC rulebook (based on DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS) + many .PDF modules

Starter Collection - $7.95

  • Mutant Crawl Classics RPG + Screen
  • MCC Hive of the Overmind

Bonus Collection

  • MCC Data Orb of Metakind
  • 6 Mutant Crawl adventures

(Looking for our other offers? Leagues of AdventureGirl by MoonlightChampions 4E EssentialsChampions 4E UniverseHero 4E Campaigns)

Mutant Crawl Classics roleplaying game core rulebookAdventurer! We've resurrected our September 2021 Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle featuring the post-apocalyptic science-fantasy tabletop roleplaying game of technology and triumph in a devastated future, Mutant Crawl Classics from Goodman Games. Whether you're a mutant, a seeker, a robot-killer, or a stoic shaman guarding forgotten ancient sciences, there are treasures to be won in the taboo lands and the ruins of the Ancients. Based on Goodman's Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, Mutant Crawl Classics is a standalone game in the tradition of Gamma World and Metamorphosis Alpha. You have a new chance to activate your artifact and go adventuring like it's 1978.

For just US$7.95 you get all three titles in this revived offer's Starter Collection (retail value $38) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Mutant Crawl Classics RPG core rulebook along with the Judge's Screen and the introductory adventure Hive of the Overmind.

Data Orb of Meta-Kind supplement for Mutant Crawl ClassicsAnd if you pay more than the threshold price of $18.59, you'll level up and also get this revival's entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles worth an additional $49, including the supplement The Data Orb of Metakind (published as MCC adventure #8) and six full-length adventures that take your characters from zero-level nobodies to level 5: Seeking the Post-Humans, A Fallen Star For All, Incursion of the Ultradimension, The Evil of the Ancients, Blessings of the Vile Brotherhood, and The Apocalypse Ark.

Learn more (well, a little more) about this offer at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Starter Collection

Pay the minimum price to get these titles:

Mutant Crawl Classics RPG + Screen

Technology and triumph won by mutants and magic
  • Designer(s): Jim Wampler
  • Goodman Games, 293 pages
  • Retail price $31

MCC Hive of the Overmind

A Level 0 adventure in the cyber-pits of the ant-men!
  • Designer(s): Julian Bernick
  • Goodman Games, 20 pages
  • Retail price $7

Bonus Collection

Beat the threshold price to LEVEL UP and ALSO get this entire collection of BONUS titles:

MCC Data Orb of Metakind

A thorough guide to the most holy of ancient relics
  • Designer(s): Jim Wampler, Tim Kask
  • Goodman Games, 26 pages
  • Retail price $7

6 Mutant Crawl adventures

Post-Humans - Fallen Star - Ultradimension - Evil of the Ancients - Vile Brotherhood - Apocalypse Ark
  • Designer(s): Various designers
  • Goodman Games, 143 pages
  • Retail price $42

US$87 of mutant-crawling RPG glory....

...But you pay just $7.95 for this revived September 2021 offer's Starter Collection of three complete titles, including the 293-page Mutant Crawl Classics standalone core rulebook, the level-0 introductory adventure Hive of the Overmind, and the MCC Judge's Screen. And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($18.59), you'll level up and also receive all seven titles in this revival's Bonus Collection, including the campaign supplement The Data Orb of Metakind and six full-length MCC adventures for character levels 0-5.

Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of DRM, so you can move and copy them freely among all your devices.

Chronicles of Terra A.D.

Here's what others have paid for our bundle

Number of bundles sold
Total contributed
Threshold (level-up) price

To keep the starting threshold price from rising too quickly, we calculated it based on 400 fake sales at $17.95 each.

WASTELAND HEROES: Our most generous customers

  • Sharpest Sentinel: eros.s - $26
  • Strongest Manimal: The Holy Medicinal Order - $25
  • Weirdest Plantient: Stink Bugasaurus Rex - $23

Other top wastelanders:

  • GSB
  • Plantient Centipede
  • The Curators
  • David Northcutt
  • The Chosen Zuu
  • The Technorabble

Crawl now, mutant!


How much will you give?

The tabletop roleplaying ebooks in this Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle offer retail for US$87. Choose a price you like, in US dollars (minimum $7.95). Make sure you choose an amount greater than $18.59 to LEVEL UP and gain the bonus titles.


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