Our Parts Per Million Solo Bundle offer ended on February 4, 2025 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).
You can play many top RPGs by yourself with the solitaire rules expansions from indie game developer Peter Rudin-Burgess at Parts Per Million. These custom-designed solo rules supplements and play aids can help turn any rulebook into a quickstart. Use techniques such as the flexible "oracle" method (where you roll dice to answer questions) along with "cut-ups" (short texts that inspire creativity) to let you play full-featured, surprising adventures that push your creativity and keep all the action centered on you alone. Learn a new game, test your first adventures, and get a feel for play before presenting it to new players – or just enjoy yourself!
- Players Guide to Solo Role-Playing
- Three Easier Tools guides with helpful tips: Easier Solo Play, Easier Solo Game Journals, and Easier Solo Mystery Play
- 14 Cut-Up Solo sets with thousands of text snippets to help inspire your solitary creativity: 1001 Nights, Asgardian Myth, Beowulf, Case of Charles Dexter Ward, Dracula, Fantasy Dialogues, Hour of the Dragon, Lovecraftian Dialogues, Pirates, Poirot Investigates, and Scandal in Bohemia
This offer also included 14 solo rules expansions for different RPG systems:
- 13th Solo (for 13th Age)
- Alone in the Loop (for Tales From the Loop)
- Basic Solo Roleplaying System (for Chaosium's Basic Role-Playing, the foundation for RuneQuest and Call of Cthulhu)
- Dungeon Crawl Solo (for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG)
- Hunter (for Monster of the Week)
- Masked Hero (for Masks: A New Generation)
- Mastermind (for The Between)
- Lone Star (for Mothership)
- Old School Solo (for Old-School Essentials and other OSR retroclones)
- Solo Adventures for Stars Without Number
- Solo Core - Solo Playing 2D20 System Games (for 2D20 System games from Modiphius, such as Star Trek Adventures, Dune, Fallout, and Achtung! Cthulhu)
- Solo in a Lost Cause (for Silent Legions)
- Trophy Solo
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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