Punch Nazis!

Anti-authoritarian tabletop roleplaying games

Punch Nazis!


Starter Collection - $12.95

  • Apocalypse Frame
  • galactic 2e + Going Rogue
  • Grey Ranks
  • Misspent Youth 1.2

Bonus Collection

  • Eat the Reich
  • No God's Country
  • Moonpunk
  • 2 Misspent Youth expansions

(Looking for our other offers? Champions 4E EssentialsChampions 4E UniverseHero 4E CampaignsDusk City OutlawsFTL Nomad)

Eat the Reich roleplaying gameAdventurer! This new Resistance Bundle presents tabletop roleplaying games about fighting authoritarian regimes and punching Nazis. For just US$12.95 you get all five complete games in our Starter Collection (retail value $70) as DRM-free ebooks, including the illuminated mecha game Apocalypse Frame; two subversive takes on Star Wars, galactic 2e and its companion game Going Rogue; Jason Morningstar's acclaimed RPG of youth resistance in Nazi-occupied Poland, Grey Ranks; and the current (1.2) edition of the punk rock game of dystopian teenaged rebellion, Misspent Youth.

Misspent Youth roleplaying game expansion Sell Out With MeAnd if you pay more than the threshold price of $26.66, you'll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with five more titles worth an additional $72, including Grant Howitt's Eat the Reich; No God's Country, a Forged in the Dark game from A Couple of Drakes (Court of Blades); Moonpunk, which adapts real-world subversion techniques to a retrofuture Moon colony; and two expansions for Misspent Youth: the standalone companion game Fall in Love, Not in Line and Sell Out With Me.

[Note: We presented Grey Ranks in the second-ever Bundle of Holding offer (May 2013) and the original version of Misspent Youth in the February 2015 IGDN Bundle. No God's Country and galactic 2e aren't available on DriveThruRPG. Download your copies from your Wizard's Cabinet.]

Learn more about our offers at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

The good fight

Five percent of your payment (after gateway fees) goes to this Resistance offer's designated charity, the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Starter Collection

Pay the minimum price to get these titles:

Apocalypse Frame

Claim a better world!
  • Designer(s): Binary Star
  • Binary Star Games, 102 pages
  • Retail price $20

galactic 2e + Going Rogue

Rebellion, relationships, and wars among the stars
  • Designer(s): Riley Rethal, Jess Levine, satah
  • Self-published, 79 pages
  • Retail price $25

Grey Ranks

At 16, you've seen enough to know it's now or never
  • Designer(s): Jason Morningstar
  • Bully Pulpit Games, 145 pages
  • Retail price $8

Misspent Youth 1.2

Kick The Authority in the teeth in this punk-rock game of dystopian teenaged rebellion
  • Designer(s): Robert Bohl
  • Fragging Unicorns Games, 140 pages
  • Retail price $15

Bonus Collection

Beat the threshold price to LEVEL UP and ALSO get this entire collection of BONUS titles:

Eat the Reich

Vampire commandos on a mission
  • Designer(s): Grant Howitt
  • Rowan, Rook, & Decard, 72 pages
  • Retail price $15

No God's Country

Building Heaven on Earth for the chosen elect
  • Designer(s): Shawn Drake, Navi drake
  • A Couple of Drakes, 91 pages
  • Retail price $12


Viva La Luna!
  • Designer(s): Jessica Geyer, Alexander Sprague, Ennis R. Bashe, Kristin Devine, Maggie Herskowitz
  • Wannabe Games, 104 pages
  • Retail price $15

2 Misspent Youth expansions

Fall in Love, Not in Line - Sell Out With Me
  • Designer(s): Various designers
  • Fragging Unicorns, 384 pages
  • Retail price $30

Stick it to Authority!

Pay just $12.95 for our Starter Collection of five complete RPGs, including Apocalypse Frame, galactic 2e, Going Rogue, Grey Ranks, and Misspent Youth. And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($26.66), you'll level up and also receive all five titles in our Bonus Collection, including Eat the Reich, No God's Country, Moonpunk, and two supplements for Misspent Youth.

Grey Ranks and the original version of Misspent Youth have appeared in previous Bundle offers. No God's Country and galactic 2e aren't available on DriveThruRPG. Download your copies from your Wizard's Cabinet.

Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of DRM, so you can move and copy them freely among all your devices.

The growing legion

Here's what others have paid for our bundle

Number of bundles sold
Total contributed
Threshold (level-up) price

To keep the starting threshold price from rising too quickly, we calculated it based on 400 fake sales at $19.95 each.

LEADING FIGHTERS: Our most generous customers

  • Sharp Aim: OrangeTide - $256
  • Shrewd Tactics: CXZman - $142
  • Courage: Charles "Enuf Already" Picard - $80

Other famous fighters:

  • Jason Pitre
  • Captain Elvis Sputnik Kid
  • Thalendar
  • Freddie Oversteegen
  • Oskar Schindler
  • Nicole Minet

Join the Resistance!


How much will you give?

The tabletop roleplaying ebooks in this Resistance Bundle offer retail for US$140. Choose a price you like, in US dollars (minimum $12.95). Make sure you choose an amount greater than $27.20 to LEVEL UP and gain the bonus titles.


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Next, check your email for the link to your Resistance Bundle download page. Add webmaster@bundleofholding.com to your approved sender list, or check your spam filter.

Then visit your Wizard's Cabinet page, link up with your DriveThru library, and start resisting.

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