Our Shadowrun 4E Core Megabundle offer ended on December 31, 2024 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).
These two new offers together presented almost four dozen rulebooks, supplements, and sourcebooks for Shadowrun Fourth Edition from Catalyst Game Labs. These ebooks give you everything you need to run your own Shadowrun cyberpunk-fantasy-noir campaign on the mean Sprawl streets of 2070-2074.
The Shadowrun 4E Core Megabundle had all the rulebooks and key 4E supplements:
- The Shadowrun 4E 20th Anniversary Rulebook
- The Runner's Companion and the Runner's Toolkit
- The essential SR4 rules expansions: Arsenal (weapons), Augmentation (cyberware), Street Magic (plus the Digital Grimoire), and Unwired (Matrix)
- Attitude, about Sixth World pop culture
- The Runner's Black Book and Runner's Black Book 2074
- Nine Sixth World mini-sourcebooks: Parabotany, Parageology, Parazoology and Parazoology 2, Safehouses, Sim Dreams & Nightmares, SOTA: 2073, Way of the Adept, and Way of the Samurai
- Street Legends plus Street Legends Supplemental
- The introductory adventure On the Run and the SR4 GM Screen
- Shadowrun 2050, adapting the original 1E Sixth World setting to the 4E rules
And the companion offer, the SR4 Sprawl Megabundle, added another 20 setting guides and sourcebooks for the Sixth World:
- Sixth World Almanac, Runner Havens (Seattle, Hong Kong), and Seattle 2072
- Sprawl Sites: North America and Sprawl Sites: High Society and Low Life
- More guides to specific locations: Corporate Enclaves (Los Angeles, Neo-Tokyo), Feral Cities (Chicago, Lagos, and other urban wilds), The Land of Promise (Tir Tairngire), and Montreal 2074
- Shadowrunning in different environments and circumstances: Dirty Tricks, Hazard Pay, Running Wild, and Vice
- Corporate Guide and Corporate Intrigue
- The Clutch of Dragons
- Magical Societies
- 10 Gangs, 10 Jackpointers, and 10 Mercs
The Bundle of Holding offers time-limited collections of tabletop roleplaying ebooks at a bargain price. To get notified of upcoming offers, please subscribe to our free (and spam-free) mailing list.
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