Our Transhuman Space Classic Bundle offer ended on January 7, 2025 at 2:00AM EST (GMT -05:00).
The 2002 standalone version of Transhuman Space, the visionary SFRPG setting from Steve Jackson Games, is a complete self-contained game Powered by GURPS, the Generic Universal RolePlaying System. In the year 2100, humans have colonized the Solar System, a setting as exciting and alien as any interstellar empire. China and America struggle for control of Mars. The Royal Navy patrols the asteroid belt. Nanotech has transformed life on Earth, and gene-enhanced humans share the world with artificial intelligences and robotic cybershells. Neither utopia nor dystopia, the Transhuman Space setting is a Solar System of hopes, fears, and new frontiers. Pirate spaceships hijacking black holes – sentient computers and artificial "bioroids" demanding human rights – nanotechnology and memetic mind control – Transhuman Space Classic is cutting-edge science fiction adventure that begins where cyberpunk ends.
- The standalone Transhuman Space Classic Powered by GURPS core rulebook (plus the free Transhuman Space: Teralogos News - 2100, Fourth Quarter, 2101, First Quarter, 2101, Second Quarter, and 2101, Third Quarter news updates)
- Personnel Files, a collection of ready-to-run characters
- Spacecraft of the Solar System
- Many Transhuman Space Classic sourcebooks: Broken Dreams, Deep Beyond, Fifth Wave, High Frontier, In the Well, Toxic Memes, and Under Pressure
- The introductory adventure Singapore Sling and the full-length adventures Orbital Decay and Polyhymnia
- Changing Times, a GURPS Fourth Edition supplement about converting Transhuman Space Classic to the current GURPS rules
This offer's supplements draw on the GURPS Third Edition core rulebook, so we also presented a companion mini-offer, the GURPS 3E Core Collection.
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