Troika! 2024

New! The acid-fantasy tabletop roleplaying game from MELSONIAN ARTS

Troika! 2024


Starter Collection - $9.95

  • Troika! Numinous Edition
  • Troika! - Swann Castle
  • Troika! - Bridgetown
  • Troika! - Goblin Mail

Bonus Collection

  • Longshot City
  • 5 Melsonian Troika! adventures

(Looking for our other offers? Level Up!Level Up AdventuresBaker StreetRootSkullkickers)

Longshot City superhero roleplaying gameAdventurer! This new Troika! 2024 Bundle is our third offer that gathers recent acid-fantasy adventures for the Troika! tabletop fantasy roleplaying game from Melsonian Arts Council. You are a Wizarding Nautiloid, cryptozoologist, venomist, Misstep Monastic, Octopod Headfoot, Charonite Guilder, or maybe a Washed-Up Blacksash, dimension-hopping in your golden barge among the crystal spheres strung like pearls across the hump-backed sky. The simple Troika! rules, inspired by the 1980s Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, let beginners and jaded roleplayers alike go wild in crazed cross-planar pursuits. Trip the light fantastic with this new assortment of visionary adventures fueled by hallucinatory creativity.

For just US$9.95 you get all four titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $50) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Troika! Numinous Edition core rulebook (which previously appeared in both our past Troika! offers), along with three third-party sourcebooks:

  • Swann Castle (Hex Games): The forested crossroads at the Multiversal Junction of 100 different worlds.
  • Bridgetown (Technical Grimoire Games): Connect your campaign worlds with this endless crowded bridge, and take time to make a tasty stew.
  • Goblin Mail (Evlyn Moreau): A deep dive into the disorganized multiversal postal system run by goblins. Can you retrieve your package?

The Big Squirm adventure for TroikaAnd if you pay more than the threshold price of $19.97, you'll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with six more games and supplements from Melsonian Arts Council worth an additional $40, including the standalone Troika!-based standalone superhero RPG Longshot City and these adventure sourcebooks:

  • Academies of the Arcane: A construction kit for wizarding colleges in any fantasy campaign.
  • The Big Squirm: A noir investigation by Luke Gearing (Fevre Swamp) in Downgate Arches, the walthy and corrupt estates suspended by chains above a dark void.
  • The Hand of God: You are kidnapped and imprisoned three miles high atop the index finger of a titanic stone statue overgrown with life and ur-gods and the demon-bird THOG, thief of dreams.
  • Slate & Chalcedony: Two sorcerous towers are draining life from the spheres. Stop this otherwise inevitable doom!
  • Whalgravaak's Warehouse: Explore a centuries-old shipping site created by a cruel logistics wizard.

Learn more about this offer at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Starter Collection

Pay the minimum price to get these titles:

Troika! Numinous Edition

Includes the Troika Initiative Cards
  • Designer(s): Daniel Sell
  • Melsonian Arts Council, 56 pages
  • Retail price $5

Troika! - Swann Castle

The crossroads of a hundred spheres
  • Designer(s): Leighton Connor and others
  • Hex Games, 135 pages
  • Retail price $15

Troika! - Bridgetown

Connects all your campaign worlds! Also, recipes for stew
  • Designer(s): The Furtive Goblin, John Gregory
  • Technical Grimoire Games, 93 pages
  • Retail price $15

Troika! - Goblin Mail

A chaotic post office full of whimsical bureaucracy
  • Designer(s): Sofia Ramos, Evlyn Moreau, Luna P.
  • Evlyn Moreau, 67 pages
  • Retail price $15

Bonus Collection

Beat the threshold price to LEVEL UP and ALSO get this entire collection of BONUS titles:

Longshot City

A standalone superhero RPG based on TROIKA!
  • Designer(s): Christian Kessler
  • Melsonian Arts Council, 80 pages
  • Retail price $15

5 Melsonian Troika! adventures

Academies of the Arcane - Big Squirm - Hand of God - Slate & Chalcedony - Whalgravaak
  • Designer(s): Various designers
  • Melsonian Arts Council, 471 pages
  • Retail price $25

US$90 of RPG acid fantasy....

...But you pay just $9.95 for our Starter Collection of four complete titles, including the Troika! Numinous Edition corebook, Swann Castle, Bridgetown, and Goblin Mail. And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($19.97), you'll level up and also receive all six titles in our Bonus Collection, including the Troika!-based standalone superhero RPG Longshot City, Academies of the Arcane, The Big Squirm, The Hand of God, Slate & Chalcedony, and Whalgravaak's Warehouse.

Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of DRM, so you can move and copy them freely among all your devices.

News from the Crystal Spheres

Here's what others have paid for our bundle

Number of bundles sold
Total contributed
Threshold (level-up) price

To keep the starting threshold price from rising too quickly, we calculated it based on 400 fake sales at $19.95 each.

LONGSHOT HEROES: Our most generous customers

  • Advanced Skill: Fungus Gnat - $27
  • High Stamina: don't give in to hate - $27
  • Unusually Lucky: Tetchy Mandrill - $23

Defenders of the city:

  • A Morphic Brute
  • Gandalf the Chrome
  • Briefmarck
  • A Vivimorph
  • Doug Bolden
  • Superpet

The Crystal Spheres await


How much will you give?

The tabletop roleplaying ebooks in this Troika 2024 Bundle offer retail for US$90. Choose a price you like, in US dollars (minimum $9.95). Make sure you choose an amount greater than $19.97 to LEVEL UP and gain the bonus titles.


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Then visit your Wizard's Cabinet page, link up with your DriveThru library, and continue your travels by eldritch portal, non-Euclidean labyrinth, and golden-sailed barge among the uncountable Crystal Spheres strung delicately across the hump-backed sky.

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