Wyrd and Wild

Old-school fantasy tabletop roleplaying sourcebooks

Wyrd and Wild


Feral Collection - $19.95

  • Into the Wyrd and Wild
  • Into the Cess and Citadel
  • Ave Nox
  • The Vast in the Dark - Expanded
  • As the Gods Demand
  • They Cried Monster

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Into the Wyrd and WildAdventurer! This all-new Wyrd and Wild Bundle presents Into the Wyrd and Wild and other tabletop weird-fantasy roleplaying sourcebooks from designer-artist Charles Ferguson-Avery at Feral Indie Studio and Wet Ink Games. Easily adaptable to any Old-School Revival system such as Old-School Essentials, Shadowdark, or The Black Hack – or, with a little work, to Dungeon Crawl Classics, Pathfinder, and D&D 5E and compatible systems – these vivid and atmospheric system-neutral supplements give gamemasters the tools to create forbidding forests, exotic cities, Witcher-style monster hunts, and more. And the 200-room Ave Nox dungeon and the brutalist alien megastructures in The Vast in the Dark keep any group busy exploring for months. Send your players into these dark and dangerous landscapes and let them get their Wyrd on.

Ave Nox page 77For just US$19.95 you get all six complete Old-School supplements in our Feral Collection (retail value $87) as DRM-free ebooks, including the acclaimed Into the Wyrd and Wild (Revised Edition) (often described as "Veins of the Earth for forests") and its urban counterpart, Into the Cess and Citadel; the 208-page megadungeon Ave Nox; the alien exploration setting The Vast in the Dark - Expanded; and two zine-size mini-sourcebooks, As the Gods Demand and They Cried Monster.

Learn more about our offers at our official blog, Beyond the Bundle, and at the r/bundleofholding subreddit.

Feral Collection

Pay just US$19.95 to get ALL these ebooks:

Into the Wyrd and Wild

The woods do not care for you
  • Designer(s): Charles Ferguson-Avery
  • Feral Indie Studio, 240 pages
  • Retail price $20

Into the Cess and Citadel

The City Eats People
  • Designer(s): Charles Ferguson-Avery
  • Wet Ink Games, 288 pages
  • Retail price $20

Ave Nox

An underworld bent to the maniacal will of the Sun-King
  • Designer(s): Charles Ferguson-Avery, Alex Coggon
  • Feral Indie Studio, 208 pages
  • Retail price $20

The Vast in the Dark - Expanded

There is no escape
  • Designer(s): Charles Ferguson-Avery
  • Feral Indie Studio, 44 pages
  • Retail price $15

As the Gods Demand

These hands, offering supplication, are imbued with fervor
  • Designer(s): Charles Ferguson-Avery
  • Feral Indie Studio, 24 pages
  • Retail price $6

They Cried Monster

Are the monsters the ones you hunt, or the ones you serve?
  • Designer(s): Charles Ferguson-Avery
  • Feral Indie Studio, 20 pages
  • Retail price $6

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