Trail of Cthulhu

Get started with the horror tabletop roleplaying game from PELGRANE PRESS

Trail of Cthulhu

The rulebook and EVERYTHING YOU NEED to start a 1930s Mythos-hunting campaign

Starter Pack - $42.95

  • Trail of Cthulhu
  • Arkham Detective Tales
  • Out of Space
  • Rough Magicks

Investigator! This Trail of Cthulhu Starter Pack features Trail of Cthulhu, star designer Kenneth Hite's horror tabletop roleplaying game of Cthulhu Mythos investigations using the GUMSHOE system from Pelgrane Press. This Starter Pack provides the core Trail rulebook and everything you need to start uncovering dark Lovecraftian plots by demented cultists in your own 1930s campaign.

For just US$42.95 you get four titles (retail value ) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the complete Trail of Cthulhu rulebook, the scenario collections Arkham Detective Tales Extended Edition and Out of Space, and the occult expansion Rough Magicks.

Starter Pack

Get all these titles (total retail value US) for just $42.95:

Trail of Cthulhu

The Cthulhu Mythos meets the GUMSHOE system
  • Designer(s): Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws
  • Pelgrane Press, 248 pages
  • Retail price $25

Arkham Detective Tales

Five labyrinthine and spine-chilling mysteries
  • Designer(s): Gareth Hanrahan
  • Pelgrane Press, 110 pages
  • Retail price $10

Out of Space

Five 'Trail of Cthulhu' adventures that span the globe -- and elsewhere
  • Designer(s): Adam Gauntlett, Robin D. Laws, Jason Morningstar
  • Pelgrane Press, 184 pages
  • Retail price $17

Rough Magicks

The rules of magic for both investigators and Mythos creatures
  • Designer(s): Kenneth Hite
  • Pelgrane Press, 40 pages
  • Retail price $6

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